It’s a bit ironic that Independence Day is the number one day in the country that pets go missing! Animal shelters across the country see a 30% increase in abandoned or lost pets (source: ASPCA). Fireworks, parties, and other noises startle pets and cause them to run and seek shelter. Sadly, many of those pets are never reunited with their owners.
How can you help keep your pet safe during this time? How can HEMPVET help?
- Keep all pets safely inside, preferable in a basement or quiet, secure area
- Be sure pets have ID tags on or are microchipped so if they do escape, they can be reunited
- Give HEMPCALM (available for dogs or cats), at dusk time, or about half an hour before you know fireworks are scheduled to start
- Safely double OR triple the dose of HEMPCALM if your pet is extra anxious about the noise
Stop by your local pet shop today, or order online at www.hempvet.pet!