HEMPCALM and Carry On

The past couple months have been trying times for us all. One positive, was that pet owners were able to be home with their beloved animals nearly all the time. Dogs and cats have become accustomed to their humans “hanging out” with them 24/7. Now that we are heading back to work, how are our pets coping with this change? For most, this is a stressful adjustment. How can HEMPCALM help?

  • Specialized to calm pets with anxiety, stress, and destructive behaviors
  • Formulated with C10 Colostrum Calming Complex™ for fast-acting relief
  • CBD-infused to balance the Endocannabinoid System
  • Created by Board Certified Animal Nutritionist, Dr. Gary Pusillo

Are you hearing your customers discuss these issues? We’re happy to help you AND them with 25% off your order. Offer effective until 06/26 at midnight! Contact info@hempvet.pet with further questions.

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